
Mapa Arabako Lautada

Here you’ll find useful resources to help you learn more about the Alavese Plains and plan your trip.

Tourism Map (Spanish/Basque english/français) 

Alavese Plains hiking trails map (cast/eus)

 Brochures >

  1. Painted churches of the Alavese Plains (SpaBasEng)
  2. Walled town of Agurain-Salvatierra (SpaBasEng)
  3. Henaio Celtic hillfort (SpaBasEng)
  4. Zalduondo Ethnography Museum (SpaBasEng)
  5. Garaio Provincial Park and Mendixur Birding Park (SpaBasEng)
  6. Aizkorri-Aratz Visitors’ Centre (SpaBasEng)
  7. Nature Walks (SpaBasEng)

Tourism attractions – timetables >

Our Social Media Profiles


If you’d like to receive our “Enjoying the Alavese Plains”, sign up here.


Want to see all the Alavese Plains routes on Wikiloc? Find them here.

You can also view them on this map.

Reserving Guided Tours of the Gems of the Plains >

Other services:

Clinics and pharmacies >

Regional transport. On-demand taxi lines >

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